Whales and dolphins are some of the most intelligent creatures in the ocean. They are mammals and they belong to the order of the Cetacea. The whales as we all know are some of the biggest animals in terms of size that are present on our planet today. However many of the species of the whales have become rare as well as endangered. Although in majority of the cases the cause for threat is manmade activities in certain cases it is also occurring due to natural causes at which man has no control. It is simply nature that is taking a natural course of evolution.
Whales and dolphins are some of the most intelligent creatures in the ocean. They are mammals and they belong to the order of the Cetacea. The whales as we all know are some of the biggest animals in terms of size that are present on our planet today. However many of the species of the whales have become rare as well as endangered. Although in majority of the cases the cause for threat is manmade activities in certain cases it is also occurring due to natural causes at which man has no control. It is simply nature that is taking a natural course of evolution.
The sperm whale is the largest in the toothed whale category. This specie is also known as the cachalot. The mature males in this category can be as long sixty seven feet long. Their main diet constitutes squid. This specie of whale is also known as the cosmopolitan whale. It is also the one that makes the loudest sound under water which is two hundred thirty decibels. They are also the deep sea divers and prefer to spend little time on the surface.
The beluga whale also known as the white whale is generally found in the Arctic region. It is one of the medium sized species of the whale. The main source of nutrition is crustaceans, fish and other types of deep sea invertebrates. The total population around the world is merely one and a half lakh which is not much. These species are on the threatened species list. The reason is mainly commercial hunting of the whale and they are also threatened by their natural predators which include the polar bear as well as killer whales.
The humpback whale is also specie which is of the rare kind. They can be as long as fifty two feet. It was once one of the prime targets of commercial whaling and that was one of the reasons that this particular specie is threatened today. The population is merely eight thousand worldwide.
The minkie whales are the second smallest whales in the category of the baleen whale right after the pygmy whale. They can be as long as twenty three feet. They are mainly found in the Northern Hemisphere. Although they do not fall under the category of the threatened species of the whale their population is still a cause of concern. There is a lot to be done in order to conserve all the above species.