During your stay at this four-star hotel, there are many activities to keep you busy and make your trip more pleasurable. If you want to stay in your for all or the majority of your trip, you can enjoy the in-room amenities that include a television with many channels and on-demand movies, a refrigerator, a kitchenette, and a stereo system. You can also take advantage of the room service that they offer. When it is time for you to bathe, there is a low oval basin,a hair dryer, and a shower in your bathroom. For their guests that need internet access, they provide free WI-FI. If you decide to leave your room, you can swim, visit the garden, and participate in other activities like hiking and horseback riding. Inside and out, this beautiful hotel and its grounds will keep you going throughout your whole stay.
Arcomagno Village is a beautiful place to stay with a lot of great amenities from the delicious food, many different activities to participate in, and things to like hiking and swimming in their pool. From the time you enter their grounds, you can hit the ground running with fun things to do.