Cruise langs de Middellandse Zee

What makes a cruise along the Mediterranean Sea so special?

The Mediterranean is not so far away from us, yet a cruise can be very particular area. Not for nothing are the coasts around the Mediterranean very popular tourist destinations. You can choose to do lots of special experiences during a long cruise, but also during a short cruise there is always plenty to do along the Mediterranean. Not only is the area itself is very special, also making the cruise is of course an experience in itself.

A cruise has several advantages over a normal holiday. So you have during a cruise always enough variety that you are never long in one place. The price you pay for the cruise is usually much included. There are always various facilities on board where you can use without having to pay extra. Think for instance of swimming pools. His meals often included with the rest of the package. Of course there are often things present where you will have to pay for, but additional charges will always keep’ll stay if you are going on vacation. A cruise ship sails mostly at night. This means that a large part of the journey happened while you are sleeping.

Sights while cruising

What all there is to see during the cruise will of course mostly distant from the destinations of your cruise. Popular destinations include Barcelona, ​​Venice, Rome and Naples. These cities differ enormously from one another. And this is what a cruise along the Mediterranean Sea so special. Barcelona is a popular destination in Spain. One of the attractions here is for example the Sagrada Familia. A very large and most beautiful church which is still being built. In 2026 the church will likely be completely off. Yet even now the church is a popular place for tourists. It is wise to buy a ticket in advance. Barcelona is a city with a great history and great culture. You will find many museums back. Thus, the Poble Espanyol is for example a real winner.

Het Colosseum in Rome

Rome is a city that is mentioned a lot in any history book. You’ll also present here remnants back of Roman civilization. As the Colosseum for example a sight you can not miss if you are in Rome. While you’re right, you can visit the smallest country in the world in Rome, with the Vatican. Besides Rome and Barcelona are of course many more beautiful towns along the Mediterranean. Unfortunately we can not talk about any city in this article, because we could write a book.

How to book your cruise the Mediterranean?

There are many different websites where you can book a cruise along the Mediterranean. We encourage you to your right to delve into what cities you want to visit. So you can cruise the books you’d like. A popular provider of these cruises example



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